Happy Summer to you, it sure has been eventful for us! Most excitingly we have chicken for sale and we are seeing amazing impact on our land.
That said, we’ve fallen behind on our news letter so I thought I’d approach this newsletter the same way I approach the end of a fun summer trip with my family: highlights and lowlights.
New Infrastructure: 2 Brooders on Hay Wagon and 2 Prairie Schooners
Already processed 500 chickens (3.5x last year), 3 more batches to go!
Repeat customers, we love your reviews and feedback
We've grown our herd from 6 to 16, plus 8 custom grazed cattle
Hosted 2 Field Days for more than 45 friends, producers, agents and government representatives.
Chicken was featured at a fundraiser dinner for over 200 people
2 week delay in delivery of Schooner with no assembly instructions which led to another 2 week delay
Chickens being stuck in tighter quarters while we assembled Schooners
Stray range cow getting into the herd, breaking fences and causing injury to one of our cows
High mortality on first batch of chickens due to raccoon and respiratory illness from late hard freeze
Really though, lowlights are just learning opportunities waiting to become highlights. It has been an amazing summer and we still have 3 batches of chickens to raise and cattle to keep moving. We are just over a year into this ranch and we are so grateful for your support. 5 years from now we’ll have more land restored, healthy meat delivered and rural economies preserved.
Much love from the Pards!